>Here you'll find a collection of different environmental pieces.
There are also some Tests that I did for different Job applications. 
Some are playable, some are just Screen Captures.
There's also just me spending time the editor.
2 Week LD TEST I did for a Job application.
I wanted to give a purpose and a brief backstory to the location. So I came up with the concept of Parasite Factories.
In essence, are Data Centers controlled by an Ai, which objective is to harvest the planet resources to produce enough fuel power that keeps the Ai running. ( Like if the Ai got in a loop )
In the early days, Ai's main task was to intercept communications while mining data credits from them. This process has a heavy impact on the environment, making the atmosphere pretty dense, toxic, and corrosive. ( because of the harvest fuel thing )This aspect could give the mission a sense of time pressure because once the player land on the platform, every minute spent in this facility will damage the player ship and suit.Also Player can see a change in the environment ( fog can dissolve, and the sky gets clearer ) if choose to shut down the Ai. This provides a simple but powerful environmental storytelling element.
What the player will find when the Ai makes contact?
Spoiler, The Ai wants to die. Has realized that lives in an endless meanless loop. But, she, needs someone to push the shutdown button. That’s why the Ai sent an encrypted message in the first place.
WORK TEST : Simple Combat Encounter
The year is 2721
An underground laboratory is being used for top-secret experiments. The main project is a "quantum tunnel".
(located in room 3), which is used to send classified military information through time.
The player seeks to intercept the message before it is too late.
By the time the player arrived at the facility, all the scientists have been evacuated and the militia is on maximum alert.
Expect heavy resistance!